Mukesh Ambani’s opulent abode named Antilia, after the renowned phantom island leaves beholders in awe of its magnificence. While some have opined that it is an unnecessary and rather ostentatious show of wealth, others are rendered speechless owing to its glorious and remarkably overwhelming presence. Ratan Tata who is a former chairman of the famed […]
Category: Houses
Mind-blowing House Interior of 7 Ultimate Bollywood Celebrities
1. Shahrukh Khan Shahrukh Khan acknowledged as the king of the Bollywood Industry, has always been in the news for his magnificent house Mannat, which is s seashore Bungalow located at Bandstand, Bandra. He bought this house from Bai Khorshed Sanjana Trust and later named it as Mannat, this is a 6 storey building which […]